Want to make your very own Cuggly Friend Bunny? Simply download the pattern template by clicking here, print it out on standard A4 paper (no page scaling), cut it out and then follow the steps below. The file now downloads as a PDF so you will need Adobe to view it.
NB: This is a FREE tutorial for personal use only. Please do not sell your finished products on any scale. If you have any trouble downloading the template please comment on this blog with what browser you are using and I will sort out any issues.
White fleece - 28cm x 19cm plus scrap for a tail
Printed cotton - 28cm x 19cm plus 8cm x 6cm for inner ears
Vliesofix (or alternative) 8cm x 6cm for inner ears plus scrap for attaching tail (optional)
Embroidery Thread - black and pink
Ribbon for neck bow (optional)
Red Prismacolor pencil (or alternative) - optional for 'rosy' cheeks
Air or water erase marker
STEP ONE: Preparation
Cut one body piece from fleece and one from the printed cotton. Cut a round tail from fleece to a size as desired (mine is approximately 4cm diameter)
Following manufacturers instructions affix your Vliesofix (or alternative) to the back of the inner ears cotton. TRACE around the inner ear template twice onto the paper side of the Vliesofix and cut them out.
STEP TWO: Adding the Inner Ears and Tail
Remove the paper from the inner ear pieces and position on the fleece body where desired. Following manufacturer's instructions iron the pieces into place. Blanket, zig-zag or satin stitch around the edge of the inner ears.
Repeat for the tail by positioning the fleece tail where desired on the right side of the printed cotton body piece.
STEP THREE: Face embroidery
Carefully trace on the face embroidery as per template (or as desired, don't feel the need to do the same as me, have fun with your features!) with air or water erasable marker. Satin stitch the two eyes in black embroidery thread (I use 3 strands) and the nose/mouth in pink.
Pin the front and back body pieces right sides together. Starting at the inside of one leg sew around the body pieces using a small stitch and 1/4 inch seam allowance, remembering to back-stitch at beginning and end. Stop sewing at the end of the second leg, leaving the area between the legs open for turning/stuffing (refer to photo below showing the area to leave open). Carefully snip into corners and around curves avoiding snipping through the seam.
HINT: I have shown two different turning gap options on the photo below. Between the legs gives a nicer finish, but the outside of the leg allows for a bit more room for turning.
STEP SIX: Decorating
Tie a ribbon around the bunny's neck and put a little colour on the cheeks.
All finished! Please feel free to share any photos of your Bunnies on my Facebook page here, or email them to me at littlesewandsews@hotmail.com and I will share them here on the blog.
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